
Knee update:

I went to see another doctor today for a 2nd opinion and was happy to hear that this surgery will be a nice quick surgery and I should be walking fine within a few days.. I will have to hold off on resuming my hard core workouts for a little longer but am looking forward to working out at least 4-5 days a week! I am currently working with my own personal trainer 3 times a week doing upper body, butt and abs.. I am also looking into incorporating other forms of exercise after the surgery like, swimming, pilates and other fun things that won't be as hard on my knees.

Keep you posted..


Kick Ash Fitness
I am reading The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman and if you are looking for ways to lose weight without crazy dieting she has some great tips and includes grocery lists, etc...

It's pretty informative: she does a 2 week fat flush but you are still eating, just eating the" right" foods.. she tells you what kinds of foods, seasonings to buy and use, then gives all kinds of diff recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
