
Friday morning.. had a very hard time getting up.. but I pushed through and made my way to Muay Thai Boot Camp at Roxyfit on la Brea.. Maria the teacher is awesome and instantly got us going and working out hard..

I then came home and made my morning smoothie.. chia seeds, fax seeds, wheat grass, green veggie powder, emergen -c, acai, fresh spinach and some frozen berries and a little almond milk.. YUM!!!Opps.. almost forgot about lunch.. so I popped some tilipia in the oven to have for lunch today.. with some lemon, pepper and a little onion..

I then made a small plate of egg whites and 4 strawberries.. I am feeling great!

Got to work and had some green tea and a few raw almonds..

I am trying to be extra good today so I can cheat a little at dinner tonight at my aunts.. where the food and deserts are ALWAYS amazing..